Since our inception in 2020, Taskar Healthcare has been dedicated to providing customers with what they need, when and where they need it. As a pioneering healthcare company, we continuously strive to offer innovative solutions that meet our customers' diverse needs.

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our search for best and affordable products and suppliers that align with our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals, emphasizing reduced packaging and energy footprint. Providing free health checkups at our health camps is our one in the list. Taskar Healthcare is driven by the pursuit of new ideas, and we are determined to keep elevating healthcare standards for years to come.

Today, we’re looking for innovative products representing categories including:
  • Medicine Manufacturer

  • Ayurvedic/Homeopathy Medicines

  • Cosmetic products

  • Surgical Products

  • Snacks & health drinks

Think you’ve got what it takes to support Taskar®️ India's 1st Healthcare Mall’s health ecosystem?
  • Create a product profile to help us find all the information we need

  • Your product or service may be matched with the appropriate category manager

  • Category manager reviews your product/service

  • You may receive a notification once your product has been reviewed

  • Once you receive notification you will have one week to negotiate

At Taskar Healthcare, we highly value the information you provide to us. While we encourage you to share as much relevant information as possible, please note that submitting information does not guarantee a response from us. It is essential to understand that nothing in this communication constitutes an offer to purchase or accept payment for any product or service.

We maintain the right to consider and source products and services from multiple suppliers. Furthermore, neither Taskar Healthcare nor any supplier is bound by any obligations related to the purchase or sale of any product or service unless and until a fully signed definitive written contract is executed, covering all material terms of the businesses and transactions.

Any communications exchanged, whether written, oral, or electronic, during the course of discussions, even if signed by one or more parties, are considered preliminary and do not hold any legally binding effect unless and until incorporated into a fully signed written contract.

We appreciate your understanding of these terms, and we look forward to exploring potential opportunities in the future. Thank you for considering Taskar Healthcare for your product and service needs.